My Stories

My Podcast

Work With Me

Traveling Tips

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My Videos


Do you like podcasts?

Subscribe to the Memories of a Moonbird podcast!  You’ll lose weight!*

What’s the podcast about?

Memories of a Moonbird is about human stories.

I interview interesting people doing inspiring things.  From activists to actors and scientists to scholars, we talk about their hopes, their struggles, and what it means to be human.

How does a teacher help former child soldiers in Africa? What do hummingbirds sound like to a deaf person? What does an accountant think is the meaning of life?

Come join me and explore life… one story at a time.

You can listen right here on the website, or subscribe through most of the places you get your podcasts from, like Apple, Google, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora, TuneIn, Stitcher and more!


* Weight loss is not likely, but you’ll be entertained.  😉

Moonbird Spotlight!

It’s time for our epic Scotland video!

DJocation Part Deux: A Right Mess of Mongrels is the sequel to our first epic vacation video. This one takes us to Scotland, England and France for some wonderful adventures!

Check out the video and then click here to read some posts about some of our awesome Eurpoean adventures!

Check out some of my favorite places and adventures!

Nurtured by Nature


Yosemite National Park


Death Valley



The Black Abyss


Memories of a what?

What's a Moonbird?

It’s a real bird!
But why is it the name of this website?

Click here to read all about it.